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2008/03 – 2011/06,重庆大学,工程力学系,博士

2006/09 – 2007/12,重庆大学,工程力学系,硕士研究生

2002/09 – 2006/06,重庆大学,工程力学系,学士


     2014/07 – 至今,新奥葡萄京在线,新奥葡萄京在线,副教授

2011/07 – 2014/06,新奥葡萄京在线,新奥葡萄京在线,讲师

2016/02 – 2017/02,澳大利亚悉尼大学,访问学者







1.      姚丽萍,马永昌,郑应彬. 机械类材料力学课程教学改革的探索,西南师范大学学报(自然科学版),2015,40(4):152-154.

2.      姚丽萍,新奥葡萄京在线第十届教师课堂教学比赛(2015年),三等奖。


1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,11401115,浮区法晶体生长中非均匀旋转磁场对流控制研究,2014/12-2017/12,26万元,主持(已结题);

2. 重庆市科委基础与前沿一般项目,cstc2014jcyjA00013,浮区法半导体晶体生长中非均匀旋转磁场对流控制研究,2014/07-2017/06,5万元,主持(已结);

3. 重庆市科委联合研发项目,小型液压机械变速箱(HST)关键技术研究及产品开发,2016/01-2019/01,10万元,已结题;

4. 中央高校基本科研业务费,拖拉机搭载HST 的控制策略及其动态响应特性研究, 2019/06-2021/12, 20万元,主持(在研)。


1.       Liping Yao, Zhong Zeng, Liangqi Zhang, Chengwang Lei*, Convection and instability of thermocapillary flow in a liquid bridge subject to a non-uniform rotating magnetic field, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 87: 52–60.

2.       Zhang Yi , Zeng Zhong, Yao Liping , Yokota Yuui, Kawazoe Yoshi, Yoshikawa Akira, Skin Effect of Rotating Magnetic Fields in Liquid Bridge , Journal of Magnetics, 2017, 22(2):333-343.

3.       Liangqi Zhang, Shiliang Yang, Zhong Zeng, Liping Yao, Jia Wei Chew∗, Alternative kinetic theory based lattice Boltzmann model for incompressible axisymmetric flows, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2016, 72: 2751-2772.

4.       Liping Yao, Zhong Zeng, Yi Zhang, Zhouhua Qiu, Hiroshi Mizuseki, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, Three-dimensional unsteady thermocapillary flow under rotating magnetic field, Cryst. Res. Technol., 2012.2, 47(8): 816-823.

5.       Liping Yao, Zhong Zeng, Xiaohong Li, Jingqiu Chen, YongxiangZhang, Hiroshi Mizuseki, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, Effects of rotating magnetic fields on thermocapillary flow in a floating half-zone, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2011.12.31, 316: 177-184.

6.       Liping Yao, Zhong Zeng, Yi Zhang, Zhouhua Qiu, Huan Mei, Liangqi Zhang, Yongxiang Zhang, Influence of rotating magnetic field strength on three-dimensional thermocapillary flow in a floating half-zone model, Heat Mass Transfer, 2011.7.31, 48(12): 2103-2111.

7.       Liping Yao, Zhong Zeng, Hiroshi Mizuseki, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, Effects of rotating magnetic fields on thermocapillary flow: Comparison of the infinite and the ϕ1-ϕ2 models, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2010.9.6, 49: 2413-2418.

8.       陈震寰,姚丽萍,邱周华. 太阳能烟囱在地下空间中的通风特性及优化,重庆大学学报,2019.3, 42(3):15-24.

9.       姚丽萍,曾忠,张永祥. 微重力环境下横向旋转磁场对热表面张力流的影响,重庆大学学报,2012.3, 35(3): 115-120.

10.   Zhang, Liangqi, Yang, Shiliang, Zeng, Zhong, Yao Liping, Chew Jia Wei, Alternative kinetic theory based lattice Boltzmann model for incompressible axisymmetric flows , Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2016.12, 72(11): 2751-2772.

11.     李亮,曾忠,姚丽萍,陈超波,陈景秋. 组合线圈磁场下的液桥热表面张力流,工程力学,2012.8, 29(8): 39-44.


1.      Liping. Yao, Zhong Zeng , Liangqi Zhang, Yuyi Lu and Chengwang Lei, Investigation of The Thermocapillary Flow in A Liquid Bridge subject to A Non-uniform Rotating Magnetic Field, 20th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference,Perth, Australia, 5-8 December 2016.

2.      Liping Yao, Zhong Zeng*, Jingqiu Chen, Chaobo Chen, Liang Li, Hiroshi Mizuseki and Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, Effect of Rotating Magetic Field on Three-Dimensional Instabilities of Thermocapillary Convection under Microgravity, Recent progresses in fluid dynamics research, Proceedings of the sixth international conference on fluid mechanics, AIP Conf. Proc. 1376, 114-116, Guangzhou, 2011.07.1-5, plenary lecture. 

3.      Liping Yao, Zhong Zeng*, Jingqiu Chen, Liang Li, Hiroshi Mizuseki and Yoshiyuki Kawazoe. Investigation of convection control under the non-uniform RMF in a liquid bridge, 659-664, International Conference on Advances in Computational Modeling and Simulation, KunMing, 2011.12.14-16, plenary lecture.


1.      姚丽萍,杨小鸣,覃开成,宋郑昊,何培祥. 一种液压控制的辅助站立坐便椅及其控制方法,国家发明专利,专利号:ZL201510924648.2。


联系地址:重庆市北碚区天生路2号 新奥葡萄京在线(中国)有限公司

